indian bollywood movies news

Drooling over Rocky Bhai looks, suits and demeanour from the KGF series

Naveen Kumar Gowda, better known by his stage name, Yash, was shot to mega stardom after the massive success of the movie, KGF. He has the looks, the stoic demeanour, the style and a screen presence that can only be compared to gravity itself. The Kannada actor, who plays the larger-than-life character, Rocky Bhai in KGF, has won millions of hearts across the country and earned himself a huge fan following.

July 4, 2022
July 4, 2022

Drooling over Rocky Bhai looks, suits and demeanour from the KGF series

Naveen Kumar Gowda, better known by his stage name, Yash, was shot to mega stardom after the massive success of the movie, KGF. He has the looks, the stoic demeanour, the style and a screen presence that can only be compared to gravity itself. The Kannada actor, who plays the larger-than-life character, Rocky Bhai in KGF, has won millions of hearts across the country and earned himself a huge fan following.