US shutdown

US lawmakers reach border-security deal to avert new shutdown

Congressional negotiators reaches agreement to prevent a government shutdown and finance construction of new barriers along the US-Mexico border, overcoming a late-stage hang-up over immigration enforcement issues that had threatened to scuttle the talks.

Evictions loom for poor, elderly as US govt shutdown drags on

A growing number of poor, elderly and disabled people face eviction from their homes as federal housing assistance dries up under the US government shutdown, experts say.

US government shutdown after Congress fails to vote

The US government staggers into another shutdown after an outspoken fiscal conservative in the Senate singlehandedly delayed action by Congress on a stopgap funding bill wrapped up in a massive budget deal.

Congress votes to end shutdown, funding bill heads to Trump

Congress put the US government back in business by voting to end a three-day shutdown, as President Donald Trump claimed victory in his standoff with Democrats in Washington.

February 12, 2019
February 12, 2019

US lawmakers reach border-security deal to avert new shutdown

Congressional negotiators reaches agreement to prevent a government shutdown and finance construction of new barriers along the US-Mexico border, overcoming a late-stage hang-up over immigration enforcement issues that had threatened to scuttle the talks.

January 17, 2019
January 17, 2019

Evictions loom for poor, elderly as US govt shutdown drags on

A growing number of poor, elderly and disabled people face eviction from their homes as federal housing assistance dries up under the US government shutdown, experts say.

February 9, 2018
February 9, 2018

US government shutdown after Congress fails to vote

The US government staggers into another shutdown after an outspoken fiscal conservative in the Senate singlehandedly delayed action by Congress on a stopgap funding bill wrapped up in a massive budget deal.

January 23, 2018
January 23, 2018

Congress votes to end shutdown, funding bill heads to Trump

Congress put the US government back in business by voting to end a three-day shutdown, as President Donald Trump claimed victory in his standoff with Democrats in Washington.