Unsung Women Award

Hats off to grassroots women torchbearers

Five grassroots women were honoured at the seventh edition of the Unsung Women Nation Builders Award-2023 yesterday evening for their resilience and dedication that empowered themselves and brought about meaningful changes in society.

Breaking the glass ceiling

Seven intrepid women were yesterday felicitated at the sixth edition of the “Unsung Women Nation Builders Awards”, an initiative of The Daily Star and IPDC, for their meaningful contributions to building a better Bangladesh.

September 10, 2024
September 10, 2024

Hats off to grassroots women torchbearers

Five grassroots women were honoured at the seventh edition of the Unsung Women Nation Builders Award-2023 yesterday evening for their resilience and dedication that empowered themselves and brought about meaningful changes in society.

May 28, 2022
May 28, 2022

Breaking the glass ceiling

Seven intrepid women were yesterday felicitated at the sixth edition of the “Unsung Women Nation Builders Awards”, an initiative of The Daily Star and IPDC, for their meaningful contributions to building a better Bangladesh.