Baby Donald Trump

Mayor of London says "Trump baby" protest blimp can fly

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan will allow protesters to fly a blimp over parliament portraying Donald Trump as an orange, snarling baby during the US president's upcoming visit, Khan's office says on Thursday.

Baby Donald Trump causes a stir in Afghanistan

Donald Trump flops over his pink and white baby walker and rolls it around his family's modest home in Kabul, blissfully unaware of the turmoil his "infidel" name is causing in the deeply conservative Muslim country.

July 6, 2018
July 6, 2018

Mayor of London says "Trump baby" protest blimp can fly

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan will allow protesters to fly a blimp over parliament portraying Donald Trump as an orange, snarling baby during the US president's upcoming visit, Khan's office says on Thursday.

March 17, 2018
March 17, 2018

Baby Donald Trump causes a stir in Afghanistan

Donald Trump flops over his pink and white baby walker and rolls it around his family's modest home in Kabul, blissfully unaware of the turmoil his "infidel" name is causing in the deeply conservative Muslim country.