Cambridge Analytica

Britain to fine Facebook over data breach

Britain's data regulator says it will fine Facebook half a million pounds ($660,000) for failing to protect users' data, in an inquiry into whether personal information had been misused by campaigns on both sides of Britain's 2016 EU referendum.

Cambridge Analytica to close after Facebook data scandal

Cambridge Analytica, the British marketing analytics firm, announces that it was closing and would file for insolvency in Britain and the United States after failing to recover from the Facebook data scandal.

India sends notice to Facebook over alleged data breach

India's government sends a notice to Facebook asking whether the personal data of Indian voters and users has been compromised by UK-based Cambridge Analytica or any other downstream entity.

July 11, 2018
July 11, 2018

Britain to fine Facebook over data breach

Britain's data regulator says it will fine Facebook half a million pounds ($660,000) for failing to protect users' data, in an inquiry into whether personal information had been misused by campaigns on both sides of Britain's 2016 EU referendum.

May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018

Cambridge Analytica to close after Facebook data scandal

Cambridge Analytica, the British marketing analytics firm, announces that it was closing and would file for insolvency in Britain and the United States after failing to recover from the Facebook data scandal.

March 29, 2018
March 29, 2018

India sends notice to Facebook over alleged data breach

India's government sends a notice to Facebook asking whether the personal data of Indian voters and users has been compromised by UK-based Cambridge Analytica or any other downstream entity.