Car brands fond of Bangladeshi jute

Forget polythene!

A Bangladeshi scientist has synthesised a polymer from jute fibre which can be used to create a kind of bag that works, looks and feels like a polythene bag but without the negative environmental impact.

Car brands fond of Bangladeshi jute

Bangladesh has the potential to become the main supplier of jute to the global car industry, which uses the natural fibre to manufacture the interiors of vehicles.

April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018

Forget polythene!

A Bangladeshi scientist has synthesised a polymer from jute fibre which can be used to create a kind of bag that works, looks and feels like a polythene bag but without the negative environmental impact.

March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018

Car brands fond of Bangladeshi jute

Bangladesh has the potential to become the main supplier of jute to the global car industry, which uses the natural fibre to manufacture the interiors of vehicles.