Rohingya Crackdown

Insight / Myanmar's junta terrorises a Rohingya town, then rebels burn it down

Both sides in the civil war have targeted the Rohingya settlement of Buthidaung. On May 17, the Arakan Army, an ethnic militia, set it ablaze.

Rohingya Genocide: Canada faces pressure to act against Myanmar

Canada is facing mounting pressure from senators, and members of the civil society and rights groups from across the country to take more international action in holding Myanmar accountable for the Rohingya genocide, reports The Canadian Press.

Actions against Rohingya meets genocide standard

The Chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs Ed Royce yesterday said he believed that a realistic accounting of the deliberate campaign of murder, intimidation and displacement against the Rohingya clearly met the legal standard for genocide.

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United Nations Under-Secretary General Natalia Kanem has pleaded for increased support for the Rohingyas, who might face a major challenge in the upcoming monsoon season when much of the refugee camps could be flooded and see landslides.

'Hindu Killing in Rakhine': Foreign minister surprised at Amnesty report

Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali has expressed surprise at the sudden report of the Amnesty International which claimed that a Rohingya armed group was responsible for the massacre of up to 99 Hindu women, men, and children in Myanmar's Rakhine State in August last year.

Situation in Rakhine still concerning

Rohingya refugees cannot be expected to return safely, voluntarily and sustainably from Bangladesh to Myanmar's Rakhine State as the situation remains extremely concerning there, the United Nations says ahead of the Security Council delegation's four-day visit to the two countries.

July 31, 2024
July 31, 2024

Myanmar's junta terrorises a Rohingya town, then rebels burn it down

Both sides in the civil war have targeted the Rohingya settlement of Buthidaung. On May 17, the Arakan Army, an ethnic militia, set it ablaze.

June 30, 2019
June 30, 2019

Rohingya Genocide: Canada faces pressure to act against Myanmar

Canada is facing mounting pressure from senators, and members of the civil society and rights groups from across the country to take more international action in holding Myanmar accountable for the Rohingya genocide, reports The Canadian Press.

September 27, 2018
September 27, 2018

Actions against Rohingya meets genocide standard

The Chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs Ed Royce yesterday said he believed that a realistic accounting of the deliberate campaign of murder, intimidation and displacement against the Rohingya clearly met the legal standard for genocide.

May 25, 2018
May 25, 2018

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United Nations Under-Secretary General Natalia Kanem has pleaded for increased support for the Rohingyas, who might face a major challenge in the upcoming monsoon season when much of the refugee camps could be flooded and see landslides.

May 24, 2018
May 24, 2018

'Hindu Killing in Rakhine': Foreign minister surprised at Amnesty report

Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali has expressed surprise at the sudden report of the Amnesty International which claimed that a Rohingya armed group was responsible for the massacre of up to 99 Hindu women, men, and children in Myanmar's Rakhine State in August last year.

April 28, 2018
April 28, 2018

Situation in Rakhine still concerning

Rohingya refugees cannot be expected to return safely, voluntarily and sustainably from Bangladesh to Myanmar's Rakhine State as the situation remains extremely concerning there, the United Nations says ahead of the Security Council delegation's four-day visit to the two countries.