Self-studying a niche A level subject can be challenging, but it’s entirely achievable.
Making a decision as crucial as your academic track, something that will go on to define what you do professionally for the rest of your life, is a bit much to ask of a teenager with a barely developed prefrontal cortex
If you are someone who likes extensive reading, rigorous analysis, and would’ve done all that independent research either way out of a genuine curiosity to learn more about monetary and fiscal policies, expansions and recessions, supply and demand, A level Economics is the perfect match.
Even if psychology isn’t your intended major, studying it for A levels helps develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
It only takes a few weeks into A levels for students to realise the stark difference between O and A levels.
I repeated the process throughout what time was left, playing a different tune for every question paper.
Self-studying a niche A level subject can be challenging, but it’s entirely achievable.
Making a decision as crucial as your academic track, something that will go on to define what you do professionally for the rest of your life, is a bit much to ask of a teenager with a barely developed prefrontal cortex
If you are someone who likes extensive reading, rigorous analysis, and would’ve done all that independent research either way out of a genuine curiosity to learn more about monetary and fiscal policies, expansions and recessions, supply and demand, A level Economics is the perfect match.
Even if psychology isn’t your intended major, studying it for A levels helps develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
It only takes a few weeks into A levels for students to realise the stark difference between O and A levels.
I repeated the process throughout what time was left, playing a different tune for every question paper.