flood in Chittagong

Fears of diseases grow as waters begin to recede

The spread of water-borne diseases is now a major concern in Chattogram where receding floodwaters are revealing a trail of devastation.

Heavy rains trigger flood in Sylhet, Chittagong

Incessant rainfall in the last few days triggers flooding situations in three districts of Sylhet division and some upazilas of Chittagong district.

August 13, 2023
August 13, 2023

Fears of diseases grow as waters begin to recede

The spread of water-borne diseases is now a major concern in Chattogram where receding floodwaters are revealing a trail of devastation.

June 13, 2018
June 13, 2018

Heavy rains trigger flood in Sylhet, Chittagong

Incessant rainfall in the last few days triggers flooding situations in three districts of Sylhet division and some upazilas of Chittagong district.