Puja Chery, who rose to fame with Raihan Rafi’s directorial film “Poramon 2”, has made her web-series debut with his latest project, “Black Money”. Released on Bongo, the series has sparked significant buzz online, particularly because of the actress’ performance.
After nearly a year, Puja Chery returned with a powerhouse performance this Eid-ul-Fitr with her movie “Lipstick”. Despite the film’s limited theatrical release, it has gained praise from many celebrities for its bold and unique concept. This was indeed a challenging year for the actress, as she tragically lost her mother just days before Eid. However, Puja was determined to fulfil her mother’s dream by actively promoting her movie, despite being heartbroken.
Bappa Raj made his acting debut in 1986 through the film "Chapadangar Bou", directed by his father, actor Abdur Razzak. Afterwards, life's complexities and a lack of recognition prompted him to act in numerous films, often alongside his father. He was last seen in the movie "Poramon 2".
The romantic saga of Sujon and Pori has taken new turns, as 'Poramon 2', the sequel of Poramon series, has hit the movie theaters this Eid. Youngsters Siam Ahmed and Puja Cherry have played the role of star-crossed lovers in this film. In a recent interview with Star Showbiz, this aspiring duo has talked about their experience of working in the industry thus far, their future plans and the much needed X-Factor that is required for sustainable growth in the showbiz industry.
Puja Chery, who rose to fame with Raihan Rafi’s directorial film “Poramon 2”, has made her web-series debut with his latest project, “Black Money”. Released on Bongo, the series has sparked significant buzz online, particularly because of the actress’ performance.
After nearly a year, Puja Chery returned with a powerhouse performance this Eid-ul-Fitr with her movie “Lipstick”. Despite the film’s limited theatrical release, it has gained praise from many celebrities for its bold and unique concept. This was indeed a challenging year for the actress, as she tragically lost her mother just days before Eid. However, Puja was determined to fulfil her mother’s dream by actively promoting her movie, despite being heartbroken.
Bappa Raj made his acting debut in 1986 through the film "Chapadangar Bou", directed by his father, actor Abdur Razzak. Afterwards, life's complexities and a lack of recognition prompted him to act in numerous films, often alongside his father. He was last seen in the movie "Poramon 2".
The romantic saga of Sujon and Pori has taken new turns, as 'Poramon 2', the sequel of Poramon series, has hit the movie theaters this Eid. Youngsters Siam Ahmed and Puja Cherry have played the role of star-crossed lovers in this film. In a recent interview with Star Showbiz, this aspiring duo has talked about their experience of working in the industry thus far, their future plans and the much needed X-Factor that is required for sustainable growth in the showbiz industry.