The festival is set to kick off with the screening of the Chinese film “Moon Man” (directed by Zhang Chiyu), a 2022 science fiction comedy that follows the story of the "last human in the universe" stranded on the moon after an asteroid wipes out life on Earth. With a worldwide gross of over $460 million, "Moon Man" is a box-office sensation, and the opening screening promises to be an exciting start to the festival.
Today, faculty members and students from Dhaka International University (DIU) are set to attend a special screening of “Priyo Maloti”, featuring Mehazabien Chowdhury, at Star Cineplex’s SKS Tower in Dhaka. The university has reserved a hall for the 7:45pm show.
At the outset of the anti-discrimination student movement, only a few artistes voiced their support. Among those who did was actress Safa Kabir, who felt a sense of duty and stepped out of her comfort zone to ask, “Why are these kids being beaten on the roads?” She also suggested that these students are young and need to be dealt with love, not aggression, leaving her message to the protestors, “Dear students, I’m with you all.”
In a powerful show of solidarity, numerous Bangladeshi celebrities have voiced their support for the students' demands, with many standing alongside them during the protests. Now, as the country recovers from a massive uprising, these stars are stepping up to aid the courageous youths who are tirelessly serving the citizens.
"Ma Lo Ma" delves into the profound realisation that life's journey is akin to navigating through the dualities of adulting and nostalgia. It encapsulates the introspective query that often arises with age: "What am I doing here?" Yet, within this existential questioning lies the potential for a beautiful transformation—a self-acceptance that allows individuals to flourish even amidst life's most challenging seasons.
This film centres around a young rookie from a bizarre chicken dance group who faces a heckler after being the worst dancer at a performance — leading him to a series of strange events that reveal what the group does to their weakest link.
Real-life couple Elita Karim and Ashfaque Nipun are set to share the screen with the direction of Adnan Al Rajeev -- a commercial for a paint brand. The trio who share a great bond in real life, have collaborated for this production, whose shooting is underway at a shooting house in the capital.
Director Adnan Al Rajeev, also the owner of Runout Films, is all set to helm the next and third instalment of Coke Studio Bangla as confirmed by himself via his official Facebook handle. The filmmaker further added that DotBirth will be taking on the role of its agency.
The production has been directed by acclaimed director, producer and scriptwriter Adnan Al Rajeev, who is most renowned for making innovative TVCs for different TV channels.
The festival is set to kick off with the screening of the Chinese film “Moon Man” (directed by Zhang Chiyu), a 2022 science fiction comedy that follows the story of the "last human in the universe" stranded on the moon after an asteroid wipes out life on Earth. With a worldwide gross of over $460 million, "Moon Man" is a box-office sensation, and the opening screening promises to be an exciting start to the festival.
Today, faculty members and students from Dhaka International University (DIU) are set to attend a special screening of “Priyo Maloti”, featuring Mehazabien Chowdhury, at Star Cineplex’s SKS Tower in Dhaka. The university has reserved a hall for the 7:45pm show.
At the outset of the anti-discrimination student movement, only a few artistes voiced their support. Among those who did was actress Safa Kabir, who felt a sense of duty and stepped out of her comfort zone to ask, “Why are these kids being beaten on the roads?” She also suggested that these students are young and need to be dealt with love, not aggression, leaving her message to the protestors, “Dear students, I’m with you all.”
In a powerful show of solidarity, numerous Bangladeshi celebrities have voiced their support for the students' demands, with many standing alongside them during the protests. Now, as the country recovers from a massive uprising, these stars are stepping up to aid the courageous youths who are tirelessly serving the citizens.
"Ma Lo Ma" delves into the profound realisation that life's journey is akin to navigating through the dualities of adulting and nostalgia. It encapsulates the introspective query that often arises with age: "What am I doing here?" Yet, within this existential questioning lies the potential for a beautiful transformation—a self-acceptance that allows individuals to flourish even amidst life's most challenging seasons.
This film centres around a young rookie from a bizarre chicken dance group who faces a heckler after being the worst dancer at a performance — leading him to a series of strange events that reveal what the group does to their weakest link.
Real-life couple Elita Karim and Ashfaque Nipun are set to share the screen with the direction of Adnan Al Rajeev -- a commercial for a paint brand. The trio who share a great bond in real life, have collaborated for this production, whose shooting is underway at a shooting house in the capital.
Director Adnan Al Rajeev, also the owner of Runout Films, is all set to helm the next and third instalment of Coke Studio Bangla as confirmed by himself via his official Facebook handle. The filmmaker further added that DotBirth will be taking on the role of its agency.
The production has been directed by acclaimed director, producer and scriptwriter Adnan Al Rajeev, who is most renowned for making innovative TVCs for different TV channels.
The industry peers were seen enjoying themselves and dancing to the famous 90s track "Chaiyya Chaiyya" from SRK's film, "Dil Se".