US Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before she will testify

A woman who has accused President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual assault decades ago wants her allegations to be investigated by the FBI before she appears at a US Senate hearing, her lawyers say.

Accuser of US high-court nominee Kavanaugh goes public

A woman who had anonymously accused President Donald Trump's US Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual misconduct in the early 1980s goes public.

Trump picks conservative judge Kavanaugh for Supreme Court

President Donald Trump nominates Brett Kavanaugh for the US Supreme Court as he aims to entrench its conservative control for years to come, but the federal appeals court judge faces a tough confirmation fight in the bitterly divided Senate.

September 19, 2018
September 19, 2018

Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before she will testify

A woman who has accused President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual assault decades ago wants her allegations to be investigated by the FBI before she appears at a US Senate hearing, her lawyers say.

September 17, 2018
September 17, 2018

Accuser of US high-court nominee Kavanaugh goes public

A woman who had anonymously accused President Donald Trump's US Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual misconduct in the early 1980s goes public.

July 10, 2018
July 10, 2018

Trump picks conservative judge Kavanaugh for Supreme Court

President Donald Trump nominates Brett Kavanaugh for the US Supreme Court as he aims to entrench its conservative control for years to come, but the federal appeals court judge faces a tough confirmation fight in the bitterly divided Senate.