5G mobile internet

5G, data security to have greatest impact on business

Fifth-generation (5G) mobile service and data security are the two major technologies Bangladeshi companies believe will have the greatest impact on businesses in the next five years, according to a recent international survey.

5G internet service by 2021: BTRC

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) officially discloses its primary decision of making 5G internet service available in the country by 2021.

January 6, 2020
January 6, 2020

5G, data security to have greatest impact on business

Fifth-generation (5G) mobile service and data security are the two major technologies Bangladeshi companies believe will have the greatest impact on businesses in the next five years, according to a recent international survey.

October 16, 2019
October 16, 2019

5G internet service by 2021: BTRC

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) officially discloses its primary decision of making 5G internet service available in the country by 2021.