Puja Chery, who rose to fame with Raihan Rafi’s directorial film “Poramon 2”, has made her web-series debut with his latest project, “Black Money”. Released on Bongo, the series has sparked significant buzz online, particularly because of the actress’ performance.
Apu Biswas, who is acclaimed for her portrayals in the silver screen, recently said that as Shakib Khan is called the king of Bengali mainstream cinema, as his co-star,she is too referred to as ‘Dhallywood Queen’.
Shakib is working out for the film Fighter, directed by Malek Afsari. To portray the character of an action hero accurately, he is spending most of his time at the gym.
Puja Chery, who rose to fame with Raihan Rafi’s directorial film “Poramon 2”, has made her web-series debut with his latest project, “Black Money”. Released on Bongo, the series has sparked significant buzz online, particularly because of the actress’ performance.
Apu Biswas, who is acclaimed for her portrayals in the silver screen, recently said that as Shakib Khan is called the king of Bengali mainstream cinema, as his co-star,she is too referred to as ‘Dhallywood Queen’.
Shakib is working out for the film Fighter, directed by Malek Afsari. To portray the character of an action hero accurately, he is spending most of his time at the gym.