BNP hunger strike

Khaleda to be freed from jail through movement: BNP

BNP leaders and activists sit in a token hunger strike in front of Mahanagar Natya Mancha in Dhaka's Gulistan protesting a verdict delivered against its chief Khaleda Zia in a corruption case.

BNP’s token hunger strike tomorrow for Khaleda’s release

BNP will observe token hunger strike across the country tomorrow demanding immediate unconditional release of party’s imprisoned Chairperson Khaleda Zia.

November 2, 2018
November 2, 2018

Khaleda to be freed from jail through movement: BNP

BNP leaders and activists sit in a token hunger strike in front of Mahanagar Natya Mancha in Dhaka's Gulistan protesting a verdict delivered against its chief Khaleda Zia in a corruption case.

September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018

BNP’s token hunger strike tomorrow for Khaleda’s release

BNP will observe token hunger strike across the country tomorrow demanding immediate unconditional release of party’s imprisoned Chairperson Khaleda Zia.