
US quarantines 5,200 migrants over mumps and chicken pox exposure

US authorities have said they had placed 5,200 detained migrants into quarantine, mainly over exposure to mumps, linking a surge in cases to a recent outbreak of the contagious disease in Central America.

Trump's wall not happening, Mexican psychic foretells

Brace yourselves, America: the US government shut-down that has dragged on for two weeks could last a lot longer -- possibly forever -- if a Mexican psychic's predictions come true.

June 15, 2019
June 15, 2019

US quarantines 5,200 migrants over mumps and chicken pox exposure

US authorities have said they had placed 5,200 detained migrants into quarantine, mainly over exposure to mumps, linking a surge in cases to a recent outbreak of the contagious disease in Central America.

January 5, 2019
January 5, 2019

Trump's wall not happening, Mexican psychic foretells

Brace yourselves, America: the US government shut-down that has dragged on for two weeks could last a lot longer -- possibly forever -- if a Mexican psychic's predictions come true.