US-Mexico wall

US Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The US Supreme Court hands President Donald Trump a victory by letting his administration redirect $2.5 billion in money approved by Congress for the Pentagon to help build his promised wall along the US-Mexico border even though lawmakers refused to provide funding.

US federal judge blocks use of some funds for border wall

A US federal judge has blocked the Trump administration's use of $1 billion in funds to construct a wall along the southern border with Mexico, but declined to issue a permanent injunction.

Pentagon authorises $1 b for Trump's border wall

Acting Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan has authorises $1 billion to build part of the wall sought by Donald Trump along the US-Mexico border, the first funds designated for the project under the president's emergency declaration.

Trump renews threat over wall

President Donald Trump, facing the prospect within days of the longest US government shutdown in history, was considering declaring a national emergency that would likely escalate a policy dispute with Democrats over his proposed US-Mexico border wall into a court test of presidential power.

July 27, 2019
July 27, 2019

US Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The US Supreme Court hands President Donald Trump a victory by letting his administration redirect $2.5 billion in money approved by Congress for the Pentagon to help build his promised wall along the US-Mexico border even though lawmakers refused to provide funding.

June 29, 2019
June 29, 2019

US federal judge blocks use of some funds for border wall

A US federal judge has blocked the Trump administration's use of $1 billion in funds to construct a wall along the southern border with Mexico, but declined to issue a permanent injunction.

March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019

Pentagon authorises $1 b for Trump's border wall

Acting Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan has authorises $1 billion to build part of the wall sought by Donald Trump along the US-Mexico border, the first funds designated for the project under the president's emergency declaration.

January 12, 2019
January 12, 2019

Trump renews threat over wall

President Donald Trump, facing the prospect within days of the longest US government shutdown in history, was considering declaring a national emergency that would likely escalate a policy dispute with Democrats over his proposed US-Mexico border wall into a court test of presidential power.