internationally trending

Epic “Batman v Superman” trailer released

The first full-length trailer for upcoming superhero sequel “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” was released at the San Diego Comic-Con yesterday, and it has left fans of the genre in frenzied anticipation.

How one country came together after a terror attack

Following a suicide attack on a mosque, many Kuwaitis react by publicly rejecting sectarianism and calling for unity on their social media accounts.

July 12, 2015
July 12, 2015

Epic “Batman v Superman” trailer released

The first full-length trailer for upcoming superhero sequel “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” was released at the San Diego Comic-Con yesterday, and it has left fans of the genre in frenzied anticipation.

July 1, 2015
July 1, 2015

How one country came together after a terror attack

Following a suicide attack on a mosque, many Kuwaitis react by publicly rejecting sectarianism and calling for unity on their social media accounts.