Youtube video

Cop brutally assaults teen for jaywalking (video)

A recent YouTube video shows a California Police officer hitting a teenager with a baton after he was allegedly walking in a bus-only lane, reports CBS San Francisco.

Taylor Swift's Blank Space video touches 1 billion mark (video)

Singer Taylor Swift's Blank Space becomes the fastest video to touch 1 billion mark on YouTube. The video has been released online via Vevo in November 2014.

September 19, 2015
September 19, 2015

Cop brutally assaults teen for jaywalking (video)

A recent YouTube video shows a California Police officer hitting a teenager with a baton after he was allegedly walking in a bus-only lane, reports CBS San Francisco.

July 7, 2015
July 7, 2015

Taylor Swift's Blank Space video touches 1 billion mark (video)

Singer Taylor Swift's Blank Space becomes the fastest video to touch 1 billion mark on YouTube. The video has been released online via Vevo in November 2014.