Quiet firing is a rising trend in Bangladesh’s corporate culture, where companies subtly push employees to resign amid financial strain. Recognising signs of quiet firing, like unreasonable targets and withheld opportunities, is crucial for professionals seeking fair treatment and job satisfaction.
Unpacking “hidden needs” requires empathy, a process whereby a human person recognises and acknowledges the feeling and emotions (e.g. the tragedy one went through, the happiness they experience) of other human persons.
Quiet firing is a rising trend in Bangladesh’s corporate culture, where companies subtly push employees to resign amid financial strain. Recognising signs of quiet firing, like unreasonable targets and withheld opportunities, is crucial for professionals seeking fair treatment and job satisfaction.
Unpacking “hidden needs” requires empathy, a process whereby a human person recognises and acknowledges the feeling and emotions (e.g. the tragedy one went through, the happiness they experience) of other human persons.