Anantapur border

Felani killing: Justice denied, border killings continue

It has been five years in the passing that Bangladesh woke up to the horrendous photo of a teenage girl hanging from the barbed fence at the India border. Promises of justice to the killing have gone by ignored as indiscriminate killings at the border continue unabated.

Writ filed with Indian SC over Felani verdict

Amnesty India files a writ petition with Indian Supreme Court, saying human rights were violated in Felani murder and confusion is created surrounding the trial process.

January 7, 2016
January 7, 2016

Felani killing: Justice denied, border killings continue

It has been five years in the passing that Bangladesh woke up to the horrendous photo of a teenage girl hanging from the barbed fence at the India border. Promises of justice to the killing have gone by ignored as indiscriminate killings at the border continue unabated.

July 13, 2015
July 13, 2015

Writ filed with Indian SC over Felani verdict

Amnesty India files a writ petition with Indian Supreme Court, saying human rights were violated in Felani murder and confusion is created surrounding the trial process.