Titash Ghosh death

Death in ambulance: HC seeks 2 probe reports from shipping ministry, Madaripur OC

The High Court seeks two separate probe reports over the incident of death of the 13-year-old Titash Ghosh, who died in an ambulance on its way to Dhaka on July 25.

Submit enquiry report on Titash’s death by Oct 23: HC

The High Court directs the public administration secretary to submit by October 23 an enquiry report on the death of 13-year-old Titash Ghosh, who died in an ambulance on a ferry on the way to Dhaka on July 25.

Explain why Titash’s family shouldn’t get Tk 3cr compensation: HC

The High Court issues a rule on the government to explain why it should not give Tk 3 crore as compensation to the family of Titash Ghosh, who died in an ambulance on a ferry on the way to Dhaka on July 25.

October 23, 2019
October 23, 2019

Death in ambulance: HC seeks 2 probe reports from shipping ministry, Madaripur OC

The High Court seeks two separate probe reports over the incident of death of the 13-year-old Titash Ghosh, who died in an ambulance on its way to Dhaka on July 25.

August 28, 2019
August 28, 2019

Submit enquiry report on Titash’s death by Oct 23: HC

The High Court directs the public administration secretary to submit by October 23 an enquiry report on the death of 13-year-old Titash Ghosh, who died in an ambulance on a ferry on the way to Dhaka on July 25.

July 31, 2019
July 31, 2019

Explain why Titash’s family shouldn’t get Tk 3cr compensation: HC

The High Court issues a rule on the government to explain why it should not give Tk 3 crore as compensation to the family of Titash Ghosh, who died in an ambulance on a ferry on the way to Dhaka on July 25.