I want to express my heartiest gratitude for this honour, and more importantly, I feel blessed to have received so much love from everyone.
Like every year, the Celebrating Life contest had a specific theme. This year’s theme was Folk Heritage of Bangladesh — a topic intended to uphold and celebrate the rural life and festivities of Bangladesh.
The leading actor of the 60’s and 70’s silver screen, Sarah Kabori, first became a part of the film industry at the early age of thirteen. Holding the hands of Subhash Dutta, the actor began her journey in the world of cinema with Sutorang.
Veteran singer Syed Abdul Hadi managed to capture the hearts of millions of Bengalis with his melodious songs and the messages that they portray.
A prominent scholar in the field of theatre and arts, Syed Jamil Ahmed plays an integral part for the growth of theatre in Bangladesh. He is the founder of the Department of Theatre and Music in Dhaka University.
Like every year, the Celebrating Life contest had a specific theme. This year’s theme was Folk Heritage of Bangladesh — a topic intended to uphold and celebrate the rural life and festivities of Bangladesh.
I want to express my heartiest gratitude for this honour, and more importantly, I feel blessed to have received so much love from everyone.
A prominent scholar in the field of theatre and arts, Syed Jamil Ahmed plays an integral part for the growth of theatre in Bangladesh. He is the founder of the Department of Theatre and Music in Dhaka University.
Veteran singer Syed Abdul Hadi managed to capture the hearts of millions of Bengalis with his melodious songs and the messages that they portray.
The leading actor of the 60’s and 70’s silver screen, Sarah Kabori, first became a part of the film industry at the early age of thirteen. Holding the hands of Subhash Dutta, the actor began her journey in the world of cinema with Sutorang.