Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon

Anti-Govt Stance: Menon’s tactic to avert a split in his party

Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon’s sudden anti-government stance is nothing but his desperate attempt to prevent another split in the left-leaning political organisation, said party insiders.

If Menon was minister, would he be able to ask this question: Quader

No conversation on behalf of the party or government was held with Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon so far over his claim that people could not vote on December 30 parliamentary polls, says Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader.

October 22, 2019
October 22, 2019

Anti-Govt Stance: Menon’s tactic to avert a split in his party

Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon’s sudden anti-government stance is nothing but his desperate attempt to prevent another split in the left-leaning political organisation, said party insiders.

October 20, 2019
October 20, 2019

If Menon was minister, would he be able to ask this question: Quader

No conversation on behalf of the party or government was held with Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon so far over his claim that people could not vote on December 30 parliamentary polls, says Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader.