
FICTION / Let the seasons begin

It was a time in the night where one can’t really tell if it’s night or eve. The sun is still sleeping in and it’s unlikely that it has any other plans anytime soon. Nothing but silence cloaks the wood and it is the time for the chatter of the owls and bats.

The ‘War on Trees’ is winning

Unlike the “War on Terror,” a script written and executed by US President George W Bush, the “War on Trees” has been far more successful.

Dead trees on auction: live trees plundered

A Krishak League leader is felling hundreds of trees in Rajabarihat Dairy and Cattle Development Farm in Rajshahi taking advantage of the sale of dead and fallen trees at the state-run farm.

Gangamati Reserve Forest / Criminals busy making it barren

A few gangs are plundering trees from the reserve forest at Gangamati near Kuakata of Patuakhali.

UK team germinates critically endangered Japanese birch

UK scientists have successfully germinated seeds from the critically endangered Japanese Birch, a species that has just 21 known trees remaining.

Earth's trees number '3 trillion'

There are just over three trillion trees on Earth, according to a new assessment.

Myanmar jails 153 Chinese illegal loggers for life

A court in northern Myanmar sentences 153 Chinese nationals to life in prison for illegal logging.

February 11, 2023
February 11, 2023

Let the seasons begin

It was a time in the night where one can’t really tell if it’s night or eve. The sun is still sleeping in and it’s unlikely that it has any other plans anytime soon. Nothing but silence cloaks the wood and it is the time for the chatter of the owls and bats.

January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023

The ‘War on Trees’ is winning

Unlike the “War on Terror,” a script written and executed by US President George W Bush, the “War on Trees” has been far more successful.

August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017

Dead trees on auction: live trees plundered

A Krishak League leader is felling hundreds of trees in Rajabarihat Dairy and Cattle Development Farm in Rajshahi taking advantage of the sale of dead and fallen trees at the state-run farm.

March 28, 2016
March 28, 2016

Criminals busy making it barren

A few gangs are plundering trees from the reserve forest at Gangamati near Kuakata of Patuakhali.

September 30, 2015
September 30, 2015

UK team germinates critically endangered Japanese birch

UK scientists have successfully germinated seeds from the critically endangered Japanese Birch, a species that has just 21 known trees remaining.

September 3, 2015
September 3, 2015

Earth's trees number '3 trillion'

There are just over three trillion trees on Earth, according to a new assessment.

July 23, 2015
July 23, 2015

Myanmar jails 153 Chinese illegal loggers for life

A court in northern Myanmar sentences 153 Chinese nationals to life in prison for illegal logging.