Actress Shobnom Bubly shared the poster of her upcoming starrer project “Pinik” on social media, announcing its release during Eid. The film is set to join the lineup alongside new movies starring Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed, and Afran Nisho for the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.
The film “Pinik”, directed by Zahid Jewel, is among the highly anticipated releases this Eid, starring Ador Azad and Bubly. Joining the festive lineup, Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed and Afran Nisho will also bring their latest project to the audience.
Films like “Leader Amie Bangladesh'', "Jinn","Local",”Kill Him” have kept the stream of audiences flowing to the theatres even now. A similar outcome is hoped to be seen for the upcoming films during the next Eid as well.
Due to its popularity, the director said that two halls have been added to their list. The two halls are Sangita in Khulna and Tuli in Jessore.
Unlike the previous Eid, this one was quite special for the Bangladeshi film industry, as a total of eight films were released in theaters. The movies released were: "Leader Amie Bangladesh", "Jinn", "Kill Him", "Paap", "Shotru", "Prem Pritir Bandhan" and "Adam".
The Bubly starrer film "Local" amazes the censor board members as a marveling portrayal of a political film.
Brazilian law enforcement agents storm a hideout near Sao Paulo on Sunday and free the kidnapped mother-in-law of Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone.
EC will not defer municipality polls slated for Dec 30. MPs to remain out of electioneering campaigns, officials say
The cabinet has approved the drafts of the law that will allow registered political parties to nominate candidates in the local body elections.
Actress Shobnom Bubly shared the poster of her upcoming starrer project “Pinik” on social media, announcing its release during Eid. The film is set to join the lineup alongside new movies starring Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed, and Afran Nisho for the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.
The film “Pinik”, directed by Zahid Jewel, is among the highly anticipated releases this Eid, starring Ador Azad and Bubly. Joining the festive lineup, Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed and Afran Nisho will also bring their latest project to the audience.
Films like “Leader Amie Bangladesh'', "Jinn","Local",”Kill Him” have kept the stream of audiences flowing to the theatres even now. A similar outcome is hoped to be seen for the upcoming films during the next Eid as well.
Due to its popularity, the director said that two halls have been added to their list. The two halls are Sangita in Khulna and Tuli in Jessore.
Unlike the previous Eid, this one was quite special for the Bangladeshi film industry, as a total of eight films were released in theaters. The movies released were: "Leader Amie Bangladesh", "Jinn", "Kill Him", "Paap", "Shotru", "Prem Pritir Bandhan" and "Adam".
The Bubly starrer film "Local" amazes the censor board members as a marveling portrayal of a political film.
Brazilian law enforcement agents storm a hideout near Sao Paulo on Sunday and free the kidnapped mother-in-law of Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone.
EC will not defer municipality polls slated for Dec 30. MPs to remain out of electioneering campaigns, officials say
The cabinet has approved the drafts of the law that will allow registered political parties to nominate candidates in the local body elections.
Two Nepalese maids have accused a Saudi diplomat of rape and torture while they were working in his home outside the Indian capital.