rape charge

Two held on rape charge

Two people, including Rajapur upazila unit Sramik League secretary, were arrested early yesterday in connection with raping a housewife in Rajapur upazila town.

Schoolgirl murdered after rape in Natore, 1 held

A schoolgirl is murdered after rape in Naldanga upazila of Natore.

December 1, 2017
December 1, 2017

Two held on rape charge

Two people, including Rajapur upazila unit Sramik League secretary, were arrested early yesterday in connection with raping a housewife in Rajapur upazila town.

July 28, 2015
July 28, 2015

Schoolgirl murdered after rape in Natore, 1 held

A schoolgirl is murdered after rape in Naldanga upazila of Natore.