Financing the Future - Sustainable Finance in Bangladesh

Financing the Future - Sustainable Finance in Bangladesh

Walk the talk

Sustainable finance has become one of the mainstream considerations of City Bank. City Bank is a good contributor in financing sustainable rural agri-businesses and women entrepreneurs through its small and micro financing.

2y ago

Bangladesh sees encouraging rise of green finance

Sustainable financing has gained popularity in recent years as both banks and enterprises in Bangladesh have become increasingly keen to embrace the business model that protects the environment from pollution. 

2y ago

Towards sustainable finance: the global and local imperatives

Following the global financial crisis of 2009, there has been growing recognition that the financial system must stay grounded and look beyond short-termism.

2y ago

Need for sustainable finance: A policy maker’s perspective

The world at large is now experiencing the devastating effects of the global climate crisis, including droughts, floods, tsunamis, water scarcity, and rising sea levels.

2y ago
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