cotton price

Cotton price drop can’t cheer up garment makers

International cotton prices have significantly fallen but brought little cheer to local spinners and garment manufacturers suffering from a drop in work orders from international retailers and brands.

Surge in cotton price to weigh on RMG exports

Cotton prices surged to more than a decade high in global market in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war, abnormal hike in freight charge and drought in the US,

September 12, 2022
September 12, 2022

Cotton price drop can’t cheer up garment makers

International cotton prices have significantly fallen but brought little cheer to local spinners and garment manufacturers suffering from a drop in work orders from international retailers and brands.

March 24, 2022
March 24, 2022

Surge in cotton price to weigh on RMG exports

Cotton prices surged to more than a decade high in global market in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war, abnormal hike in freight charge and drought in the US,