worst air quality in Dhaka

Has Dhaka's fate become sealed as an unliveable city?

It’s time the government admitted its failures and prepared plans that can truly resolve Dhaka's woes to make it liveable.

Dhaka the most polluted city in the world this morning

Dhaka has topped the list of cities with the worst air quality with an AQI index of 239 at 08:55am today..The air was classified as 'very unhealthy'.

June 29, 2024
June 29, 2024

Has Dhaka's fate become sealed as an unliveable city?

It’s time the government admitted its failures and prepared plans that can truly resolve Dhaka's woes to make it liveable.

February 5, 2023
February 5, 2023

Dhaka the most polluted city in the world this morning

Dhaka has topped the list of cities with the worst air quality with an AQI index of 239 at 08:55am today..The air was classified as 'very unhealthy'.

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