Chattogram Carbon Catastrophes

Chattogram’s carbon catastrophe

It is quite a startling fact that most of the coal-fired power plants in Bangladesh are located in the Chattogram region, which will encounter a catastrophic situation if and when all of these plants are completed and operational.

Chattogram could become a carbon catastrophe on a global scale: Study

Chattogram division is at high risk of being one of the world’s largest carbon catastrophes once all the fossil fuel power plants – planned to be constructed in the division – come into operation, according to a joint study.

May 18, 2022
May 18, 2022

Chattogram’s carbon catastrophe

It is quite a startling fact that most of the coal-fired power plants in Bangladesh are located in the Chattogram region, which will encounter a catastrophic situation if and when all of these plants are completed and operational.

May 16, 2022
May 16, 2022

Chattogram could become a carbon catastrophe on a global scale: Study

Chattogram division is at high risk of being one of the world’s largest carbon catastrophes once all the fossil fuel power plants – planned to be constructed in the division – come into operation, according to a joint study.