Medical Research

Medical Research

AI apocalypse: Will AI replace radiologists?

Artificial Intelligence, in its simplicity, includes processes that replicate human intelligence manufactured to provide effective solutions to problems. The exponential growth of artificial intelligence has a widespread reach in many sectors,

3y ago

Kids exposed to marijuana and tobacco smoke may be more likely to visit the ER

New US research suggests that exposing children to a combination of secondhand tobacco and marijuana smoke could increase their risk of otitis media (an infection in the middle ear that causes inflammation and a buildup of fluid behind the eardrum) and increase the number of visits to the emergency department (ED).

6y ago

People who hear colour may have overactive brain connectivity: Study

Synesthesia is a rare and non-pathological condition wherein the stimulation of a certain sense provokes a secondary perception in another. In short, it makes a person hear sounds upon seeing images, see colors upon hearing music or experience taste when certain words and phrases are spoken.

6y ago

Human eggs grown to maturity in lab: Researchers

Scientists announce to have grown human egg cells to full maturity in the lab in a potential breakthrough for fertility treatment.

6y ago

Non-smokers more attractive than smokers: Study

If you are a smoker then people will find you less attractive, that’s what a study says. Non-smokers are proved to be more attractive than smokers as proofs of negative impact of smoking on facial appearances, say researchers at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.

7y ago

Flies can help in public health surveillance: Study

Science could soon unleash a most incongruous army in the war against disease - one composed of filthy flies.

7y ago

Fungus used in traditional medicine can fight cancer: Chinese researchers

Chinese scientists have found evidence that a fungus used in traditional Chinese medicine widely sought by the public for its healing powers, also carries anti-cancer benefits.

7y ago

New robotic drill performs skull surgery 50 times faster

Researchers from the University of Utah create an automated machine that can do a complicated cranial surgery 50 times faster than standard procedures.

7y ago

Salty food stirs hunger more than thirst: Study

By simulating a space mission to Mars, an international team of researchers notes that eating salty food led to greater hunger than thirst, at least in the long term. The reason seems to be a protective mechanism that conserves water in the kidneys.

7y ago

Bangladeshi scientist selected as member of UN Polio research body

The World Health Organization selects Dr K Zaman, a Bangladeshi scientist, as a member of the United Nations Polio Research Committee (PRC).

7y ago

What effect does a vegetarian diet have on cardiovascular health?

A recent American study concludes that cutting out meat does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in the next decade.

8y ago

Parents put infants to sleep in dangerous positions: study

It is a tragedy that happens 3,500 times a year -- a parent puts an infant to sleep, and the child never wakes up, reports CBS news.

8y ago

Lab-grown sperm makes healthy offspring

Sperm have been made in the laboratory and used to father healthy baby mice in a pioneering move that could lead to infertility treatments.

8y ago

Do fishes have feelings?

Recently a group of scientists from Univesity of Stirling carried out research that looks at one way of answering the question, 'how do we figure out if animals or plants feel?', and found that fish appear more likely to experience emotions that we previously thought.

8y ago

Study quantifies faulty gene's role in ovary cancer risk

Women who carry an inherited fault in the BRIP1 gene are three times more likely to develop ovarian cancer than those without it, researchers say.

9y ago

‘DNA diet’ against obesity

Here’s good news for big eaters who want to stay slim and healthy— the “DNA diet’’ is on the way.

9y ago

Getting closer to implanting new memories into the brain

A memory prosthesis being trialled next year could not only restore long-term recall but may eventually be used to upload new skills directly to the brain – just like in the film The Matrix.

9y ago

'Suicide' gene therapy kills prostate cancer cells

US scientists discover a new gene therapy technique that is able to modify prostate cancer cells so that a patient's body attacks and kills them.

9y ago