Sakku vs Bahar

AL-backed candidate Rifat wins Cumilla city polls by 343 votes

Awami League backed candidate Arfanul Haque Rifat has won the mayoral race as results from the vote count in the Cumilla City Corporation election was revealed just moments back.

It's actually Sakku vs Bahar: Cumilla city goes to polls

An unusually calm Cumilla city goes to election this morning amid a lack of enthusiasm and excitement among the voters about the polls, considered an acid test for the newly formed Election Commission.

June 15, 2022
June 15, 2022

AL-backed candidate Rifat wins Cumilla city polls by 343 votes

Awami League backed candidate Arfanul Haque Rifat has won the mayoral race as results from the vote count in the Cumilla City Corporation election was revealed just moments back.

June 15, 2022
June 15, 2022

It's actually Sakku vs Bahar: Cumilla city goes to polls

An unusually calm Cumilla city goes to election this morning amid a lack of enthusiasm and excitement among the voters about the polls, considered an acid test for the newly formed Election Commission.