Luva Nahid Choudhury

The untold story of Luva Nahid Choudhury

Over the years, Bangladesh has blossomed into a social hub for fine arts and cultural programmes, through the brilliant contributions of eminent literary figures and renowned personalities.

“Women should have every opportunity to compete as equals” ... Luva Nahid Choudhury

We have always focused on the quality of the work and its programmatic fit - regardless of gender.

November 29, 2022
November 29, 2022

The untold story of Luva Nahid Choudhury

Over the years, Bangladesh has blossomed into a social hub for fine arts and cultural programmes, through the brilliant contributions of eminent literary figures and renowned personalities.

March 13, 2015
March 13, 2015

“Women should have every opportunity to compete as equals” ... Luva Nahid Choudhury

We have always focused on the quality of the work and its programmatic fit - regardless of gender.