The storyline of “Agantuk” revolves around a 10-year-old boy named Kajol. He lives with his mother and ailing grandmother, struggling to make ends meet. One day, his long-lost father, who had disappeared for years, returns as a stranger to the family. The film explores the tensions, dilemmas, and conflicts that emerge from his unexpected arrival.
Posters for these three Bangladeshi productions have also been displayed in various parts of the city, with "Boli" and "Agantuk" competing in the New Current award category, and "Something like an Autobiography" participating in the Jiseok award category.
On Thursday, Biplob Sarkar’s Bangladeshi feature-film, “Agantuk” (The Stranger) was named the winner of the Prasad DI award, by the Film Bazaar Recommends jury in Goa, India for the ‘Viewing Room’ section. The Viewing Room is a special component within Film Bazaar, that highlights films from India and South Asia, that are are complete or in the post-production process. Usually, these are the films that are in search of film festivals, sales, distribution partners, funding and so on.
The storyline of “Agantuk” revolves around a 10-year-old boy named Kajol. He lives with his mother and ailing grandmother, struggling to make ends meet. One day, his long-lost father, who had disappeared for years, returns as a stranger to the family. The film explores the tensions, dilemmas, and conflicts that emerge from his unexpected arrival.
Posters for these three Bangladeshi productions have also been displayed in various parts of the city, with "Boli" and "Agantuk" competing in the New Current award category, and "Something like an Autobiography" participating in the Jiseok award category.
On Thursday, Biplob Sarkar’s Bangladeshi feature-film, “Agantuk” (The Stranger) was named the winner of the Prasad DI award, by the Film Bazaar Recommends jury in Goa, India for the ‘Viewing Room’ section. The Viewing Room is a special component within Film Bazaar, that highlights films from India and South Asia, that are are complete or in the post-production process. Usually, these are the films that are in search of film festivals, sales, distribution partners, funding and so on.