
Human race came dangerously close to dying out — here's how it changed us

Humanity's global population dropped down to only a few thousand individuals around 70,000 years ago and our species almost did not make it. Traumatic as that time was the event had major effects on our species.

New plastic-eating bacteria could help save planet

A new strain of bacteria that can actually eat plastic has been discovered by scientists in Japan, reports CNN.

UK team germinates critically endangered Japanese birch

UK scientists have successfully germinated seeds from the critically endangered Japanese Birch, a species that has just 21 known trees remaining.

March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016

Human race came dangerously close to dying out — here's how it changed us

Humanity's global population dropped down to only a few thousand individuals around 70,000 years ago and our species almost did not make it. Traumatic as that time was the event had major effects on our species.

March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016

New plastic-eating bacteria could help save planet

A new strain of bacteria that can actually eat plastic has been discovered by scientists in Japan, reports CNN.

September 30, 2015
September 30, 2015

UK team germinates critically endangered Japanese birch

UK scientists have successfully germinated seeds from the critically endangered Japanese Birch, a species that has just 21 known trees remaining.