Syria air strike

8 children among 21 killed in Syria Idlib air strikes: monitor

Air strikes by regime and Russian aircraft on rebel positions in the northwestern province of Idlib kill at least 21 civilians, including eight children, a monitor says .

Air strike on Syria refugee camp 'kills 28'

At least 28 people are reported to have been killed in an air strike on a refugee camp in rebel-held northern Syria, monitors say.

Syria conflict: Turkey summons Russian ambassador a second time

Turkey again summons the Russian ambassador after a second violation of its airspace by a Russian warplane operating in Syria in two days.

Syrian crisis: Russia air strikes 'strengthen IS'

US President Barack Obama says the Russian bombing campaign in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad is driving moderate opposition underground and "only strengthening" Islamic State.

January 8, 2018
January 8, 2018

8 children among 21 killed in Syria Idlib air strikes: monitor

Air strikes by regime and Russian aircraft on rebel positions in the northwestern province of Idlib kill at least 21 civilians, including eight children, a monitor says .

May 6, 2016
May 6, 2016

Air strike on Syria refugee camp 'kills 28'

At least 28 people are reported to have been killed in an air strike on a refugee camp in rebel-held northern Syria, monitors say.

October 6, 2015
October 6, 2015

Syria conflict: Turkey summons Russian ambassador a second time

Turkey again summons the Russian ambassador after a second violation of its airspace by a Russian warplane operating in Syria in two days.

October 3, 2015
October 3, 2015

Syrian crisis: Russia air strikes 'strengthen IS'

US President Barack Obama says the Russian bombing campaign in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad is driving moderate opposition underground and "only strengthening" Islamic State.