Syria airstrike

Syria airstrikes vote on Wednesday, says UK PM

The PM is to ask his cabinet to endorse a one-day Commons debate and vote on Wednesday over UK air strikes against so-called Islamic State in Syria.

Nato 'concern' over Russia Syria role

Nato defence ministers will assess the "troubling escalation of Russian military activities" in Syria, the alliance's secretary-general says, ahead of talks in Brussels.

December 1, 2015
December 1, 2015

Syria airstrikes vote on Wednesday, says UK PM

The PM is to ask his cabinet to endorse a one-day Commons debate and vote on Wednesday over UK air strikes against so-called Islamic State in Syria.

October 8, 2015
October 8, 2015

Nato 'concern' over Russia Syria role

Nato defence ministers will assess the "troubling escalation of Russian military activities" in Syria, the alliance's secretary-general says, ahead of talks in Brussels.