The event, titled “Manush Bhojle Shonar Manush Hobi”, was notably attended by chief guests Law Adviser Asif Nazrul and Ministry of Cultural Affairs adviser Mostofa Sarwar Farooki.
Yesterday, the Arts and Production Department of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy launched a live and interactive AR-VR (Augmented-Virtual Reality) exhibition titled "July Revolution on Posters", featuring Debashish Chakrabarty's artworks on the July Uprising. The inauguration ceremony was held at 4:00pm in the Jatiya Chitrashala Auditorium.
This December, the country is set to come alive with an extraordinary lineup of cultural festivities, organized by Shilpakala Academy to mark the country's month of victory. From Qawwali performances to theatre festivals, the month-long celebration promises something for everyone. These events, held across districts and major cities, aim to bring art and culture to the public, making them accessible to all.
Dr Samina Luthfa, associate professor at the Department of Sociology in Dhaka University, talks about the recent controversy surrounding Shilpakala Academy and the theatre scene in Bangladesh with Monorom Polok of The Daily Star.
BSA's initiatives in theatre, music, and visual arts have proven to be effective tools for bridging divides in Bangladesh's politically charged environment. The academy's diverse programming speaks to a wide range of Bangladeshis, although often failing to transcend party affiliations and ideological differences.
In honour of Lalon's 134th death anniversary on October 17, the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy has organised a three-day festival to celebrate his legacy. A press conference detailing the event will take place today at 3:00pm in the National Theatre Hall seminar room.
There are women who don't want to be in the middle of a duel between two groups who legitimise and co-produce each other.
Celebrated Nazrul Sangeet exponent Ferdous Ara faced an unexpected exclusion during Awami League’s tenure. For the past 15 years, she was barred from performing on Bangladesh Television (BTV) and Bangladesh Betar. Recently, however, she made a long-awaited return to these two state-run platforms.
The play proceeds to what happens after that, and if Arnolphe succeeds in his motif.
The event, titled “Manush Bhojle Shonar Manush Hobi”, was notably attended by chief guests Law Adviser Asif Nazrul and Ministry of Cultural Affairs adviser Mostofa Sarwar Farooki.
Yesterday, the Arts and Production Department of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy launched a live and interactive AR-VR (Augmented-Virtual Reality) exhibition titled "July Revolution on Posters", featuring Debashish Chakrabarty's artworks on the July Uprising. The inauguration ceremony was held at 4:00pm in the Jatiya Chitrashala Auditorium.
This December, the country is set to come alive with an extraordinary lineup of cultural festivities, organized by Shilpakala Academy to mark the country's month of victory. From Qawwali performances to theatre festivals, the month-long celebration promises something for everyone. These events, held across districts and major cities, aim to bring art and culture to the public, making them accessible to all.
Dr Samina Luthfa, associate professor at the Department of Sociology in Dhaka University, talks about the recent controversy surrounding Shilpakala Academy and the theatre scene in Bangladesh with Monorom Polok of The Daily Star.
BSA's initiatives in theatre, music, and visual arts have proven to be effective tools for bridging divides in Bangladesh's politically charged environment. The academy's diverse programming speaks to a wide range of Bangladeshis, although often failing to transcend party affiliations and ideological differences.
In honour of Lalon's 134th death anniversary on October 17, the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy has organised a three-day festival to celebrate his legacy. A press conference detailing the event will take place today at 3:00pm in the National Theatre Hall seminar room.
There are women who don't want to be in the middle of a duel between two groups who legitimise and co-produce each other.
Celebrated Nazrul Sangeet exponent Ferdous Ara faced an unexpected exclusion during Awami League’s tenure. For the past 15 years, she was barred from performing on Bangladesh Television (BTV) and Bangladesh Betar. Recently, however, she made a long-awaited return to these two state-run platforms.
The play proceeds to what happens after that, and if Arnolphe succeeds in his motif.
The 22nd Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) officially kicks off today, featuring a lineup of around 250 films from 74 countries, including Bangladesh. The festival, spanning nine days from January 20 to January 28, will showcase 71 films from Bangladesh. Notably, the films “Mujib: The Making of a Nation” and “Fereshteh” will be available for viewing at the festival free of charge.