A fresh drama titled "Cheyechilam" is all set to premiere, featuring an original story, dialogues, and screenplay by Apel Akbar. Directed by Swapan Biswas, the production boasts an impressive cast, including Irfan Sajjad, Tania Brishty, Mili Basher, Anwar Shahi, Shampa Reza, Harun Rashid, Bashar Bappy, Khairul Islam, and more.
Amidst the prevalent trend of leaving the country for greener pastures, this narrative prompts viewers to reconsider their sentiments towards their homeland. Following its release, social media buzzed with discussions, with many lauding the film's juxtaposition of romantic love and patriotism.
Numerous artists came together to form a human chain, urging an end to the ongoing strikes and blockades in the country. On a Saturday afternoon, in front of the National Museum in Shahbagh, they created a united front under the banner 'Society of Artists Against Destruction.' The human chain comprised of actors, actresses, heroes, singers, and various other personalities from the showbiz industry who actively participated in this initiative.
International artistes have long rallied for proper royalty disbursements, a fight that has been successful in bringing long-term security to their professional and creative lives.
As one of the judges for ‘Miss World Bangladesh 2017’, she talks about her experience with the much hyped about competition and the scandal surrounding the crowning of the winner after her personal investigation.
Seasoned television actresses Rokeya Prachi and Shampa Reza will be seen together for the first time in drama serial “Parampora”.
A fresh drama titled "Cheyechilam" is all set to premiere, featuring an original story, dialogues, and screenplay by Apel Akbar. Directed by Swapan Biswas, the production boasts an impressive cast, including Irfan Sajjad, Tania Brishty, Mili Basher, Anwar Shahi, Shampa Reza, Harun Rashid, Bashar Bappy, Khairul Islam, and more.
Amidst the prevalent trend of leaving the country for greener pastures, this narrative prompts viewers to reconsider their sentiments towards their homeland. Following its release, social media buzzed with discussions, with many lauding the film's juxtaposition of romantic love and patriotism.
Numerous artists came together to form a human chain, urging an end to the ongoing strikes and blockades in the country. On a Saturday afternoon, in front of the National Museum in Shahbagh, they created a united front under the banner 'Society of Artists Against Destruction.' The human chain comprised of actors, actresses, heroes, singers, and various other personalities from the showbiz industry who actively participated in this initiative.
International artistes have long rallied for proper royalty disbursements, a fight that has been successful in bringing long-term security to their professional and creative lives.
As one of the judges for ‘Miss World Bangladesh 2017’, she talks about her experience with the much hyped about competition and the scandal surrounding the crowning of the winner after her personal investigation.
Seasoned television actresses Rokeya Prachi and Shampa Reza will be seen together for the first time in drama serial “Parampora”.