electricity transmission

A wake-up call for the power sector

Government must take proper action after the national grid failure

Editorial / A hospital without electricity

The patients at Chittagong Medical College Hospital have gone through untold sufferings due to lack of electricity for three days, as the hospital administration failed to repair...

Editorial / 1500 MW more electricity by July

IT is indeed heartening to see 1500 MW of electricity being added in the next three months to the country's power-starved national grid, as we hope that the newest addition will give the much-needed impetus to the country's economic growth.

Electric power transmitted wirelessly in Japan

There is a legitimate possibility of space-based solar power to be transmitted says Japanese scientists following a successful transmission of wireless electric power transmission into pinpoint target using microwaves

October 7, 2022
October 7, 2022

A wake-up call for the power sector

Government must take proper action after the national grid failure

June 8, 2015
June 8, 2015

A hospital without electricity

The patients at Chittagong Medical College Hospital have gone through untold sufferings due to lack of electricity for three days, as the hospital administration failed to repair...

April 11, 2015
April 11, 2015

1500 MW more electricity by July

IT is indeed heartening to see 1500 MW of electricity being added in the next three months to the country's power-starved national grid, as we hope that the newest addition will give the much-needed impetus to the country's economic growth.

March 25, 2015
March 25, 2015

Electric power transmitted wirelessly in Japan

There is a legitimate possibility of space-based solar power to be transmitted says Japanese scientists following a successful transmission of wireless electric power transmission into pinpoint target using microwaves