Speaking exclusively with The Daily Star, the “Swapnajaal” and “Gunin” famed actress shared her excitement and thoughts on the release of her first Indian film.
Dhallywood actress Pori Moni won the ‘Bochorer Best’ award from Anandabazar Online, a popular media of West Bengal in India. Every year, Anandabazar Online recognizes the best Bengali achievers from both Bengals.
Speaking exclusively with The Daily Star, the “Swapnajaal” and “Gunin” famed actress shared her excitement and thoughts on the release of her first Indian film.
Dhallywood actress Pori Moni won the ‘Bochorer Best’ award from Anandabazar Online, a popular media of West Bengal in India. Every year, Anandabazar Online recognizes the best Bengali achievers from both Bengals.