To celebrate the empowerment of women and express solidarity with Rana Plaza survivors, Bengal Art Lounge and the Embassies of the Nordic...
Bengal Art Lounge hosts an art exhibition “The InvisiBellas” based on a street art project that aims to shed light on gender-based inequality.
Back in May, we came across seven steel violins installed on the walls at an art exhibition at the Bengal Art Lounge in Gulshan. These violins would automatically start playing themselves when visitors came close to them.
To celebrate the empowerment of women and express solidarity with Rana Plaza survivors, Bengal Art Lounge and the Embassies of the Nordic...
Bengal Art Lounge hosts an art exhibition “The InvisiBellas” based on a street art project that aims to shed light on gender-based inequality.
Back in May, we came across seven steel violins installed on the walls at an art exhibition at the Bengal Art Lounge in Gulshan. These violins would automatically start playing themselves when visitors came close to them.