climate fiction

ESSAY / What do the end-of-the-world narratives tell us about the climate crisis?

Thinking of the roles of narratives in responding to the climate crisis, the most obvious one that comes to mind is the effective reach of narratives that connect us to the crisis, emotionally and intellectually.

ESSAY: WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2023 / Climate fiction and the fictions we tell ourselves

There is an element of the unexpected in the twinning of fiction and ecology. A sense of unease of sorts exists in the pairing together of fiction, a form of narrative that is untrue, with the imminent ecological disaster, an environmental inevitability that is true.

The absence of climate change in fiction and other great derangements

The book explores our inability at the level of literature, history, and politics to grasp the scale and violence of climate change.

December 23, 2023
December 23, 2023

What do the end-of-the-world narratives tell us about the climate crisis?

Thinking of the roles of narratives in responding to the climate crisis, the most obvious one that comes to mind is the effective reach of narratives that connect us to the crisis, emotionally and intellectually.

June 3, 2023
June 3, 2023

Climate fiction and the fictions we tell ourselves

There is an element of the unexpected in the twinning of fiction and ecology. A sense of unease of sorts exists in the pairing together of fiction, a form of narrative that is untrue, with the imminent ecological disaster, an environmental inevitability that is true.

June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020

The absence of climate change in fiction and other great derangements

The book explores our inability at the level of literature, history, and politics to grasp the scale and violence of climate change.

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