rich-poor income gap

Rising debt burden threatens our future

Government must ensure that the rich duly pay their taxes

Tax evasion by the rich is setting us back as a nation

Experts’ suggestions on increasing revenue collection must be heeded

Don't put unjust tax burden on citizens

Government should scrap the plan to impose a minimum tax of Tk 2,000 on low-income TIN holders

February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024

Rising debt burden threatens our future

Government must ensure that the rich duly pay their taxes

February 19, 2024
February 19, 2024

Tax evasion by the rich is setting us back as a nation

Experts’ suggestions on increasing revenue collection must be heeded

June 3, 2023
June 3, 2023

Don't put unjust tax burden on citizens

Government should scrap the plan to impose a minimum tax of Tk 2,000 on low-income TIN holders