needle-free blood draw

Operation with Bombay rare blood successful

With the four pints of the rare blood sent from Mumbai of India, the life-saving surgery of a youth at Apollo Hospitals in Dhaka is declared successful.

Google wants your blood

Google files a patent for a "needle-free blood draw" system that can be used either as a wearable on a person's wrist or as a hand-held device that takes blood from a fingertip or other parts of the body

June 20, 2016
June 20, 2016

Operation with Bombay rare blood successful

With the four pints of the rare blood sent from Mumbai of India, the life-saving surgery of a youth at Apollo Hospitals in Dhaka is declared successful.

December 6, 2015
December 6, 2015

Google wants your blood

Google files a patent for a "needle-free blood draw" system that can be used either as a wearable on a person's wrist or as a hand-held device that takes blood from a fingertip or other parts of the body