Liveability ranking 2023

#Perspective / Top 5 worst liveable cities in 2023

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), established in 1946, is one of the top organisations in forecasting several global phenomena, such as democracy, economic outlook, operation and risk analysis, etc. Most recently, EIU published its report on Global Liveability Index, analyzing 173 cities of the world into 5 categories: stability, healthcare, education, culture and the environment, and infrastructure.

June 25, 2023
June 25, 2023

Top 5 worst liveable cities in 2023

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), established in 1946, is one of the top organisations in forecasting several global phenomena, such as democracy, economic outlook, operation and risk analysis, etc. Most recently, EIU published its report on Global Liveability Index, analyzing 173 cities of the world into 5 categories: stability, healthcare, education, culture and the environment, and infrastructure.