Athena Gallery of Fine Arts

“The Beauty of Drawing” at Athena Gallery

Athena Gallery of Fine Arts organised group drawing workshop “The Beauty of Drawing” featuring the works of accomplished artists in Bangladesh, says a press release.

“SWEET TASTE OF LIBERTY” opens at Athena Gallery

Group art exhibition “The Sweet Taste of Liberty” is currently on at the Athena Gallery of Fine Arts in the capital.

June 22, 2015
June 22, 2015

“The Beauty of Drawing” at Athena Gallery

Athena Gallery of Fine Arts organised group drawing workshop “The Beauty of Drawing” featuring the works of accomplished artists in Bangladesh, says a press release.

March 30, 2015
March 30, 2015

“SWEET TASTE OF LIBERTY” opens at Athena Gallery

Group art exhibition “The Sweet Taste of Liberty” is currently on at the Athena Gallery of Fine Arts in the capital.