Genetically-modified cotton

WEEKLY INTERVIEW / GM cotton cultivation kicks off

Bangladesh has started cultivation of genetically modified (GM) cotton for the first time this year to boost yields and cut import dependence of the raw materials of yarn, a top official of the Cotton Development Board (CDB) said yesterday.

Bangladesh starts growing genetically-modified cotton

The variety, Bt cotton, will increase local cotton production by 7.5 times

August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023

GM cotton cultivation kicks off

Bangladesh has started cultivation of genetically modified (GM) cotton for the first time this year to boost yields and cut import dependence of the raw materials of yarn, a top official of the Cotton Development Board (CDB) said yesterday.

August 26, 2023
August 26, 2023

Bangladesh starts growing genetically-modified cotton

The variety, Bt cotton, will increase local cotton production by 7.5 times