The list now includes 6,33,30,103 male voters, 6,03,52,415 female voters, and 994 voters of the hijra community
The total number of voters rose to 9.98 crore this year with more than 44.32 lakh new voters included in the electoral register.
Over 43.68 lakh new voters were registered on the draft electoral roll last year, Election Commission Secretary Sirazul Islam said yesterday.
The list now includes 6,33,30,103 male voters, 6,03,52,415 female voters, and 994 voters of the hijra community
The total number of voters rose to 9.98 crore this year with more than 44.32 lakh new voters included in the electoral register.
Over 43.68 lakh new voters were registered on the draft electoral roll last year, Election Commission Secretary Sirazul Islam said yesterday.